Find Out The Best 5 Marketing Techniques To Keep Online Customers

Find Out The Best 5 Marketing Techniques To Keep Online Customers
July 07 2016

Quite often in business customer retention and satisfaction is the hardest job. That is why it comparatively costlier to keep customers satisfied with service quality. Getting new customers may not pose big threats than keeping one coming back again and again. In actual fact, businesses endeavor to maintain spotlight on acquiring customers for grow prospects. But there is a stage in the business development cycle where keeping customers becomes very important perhaps sometimes more than the acquiring.

Any customer keeping marketing strategy focuses on creating and offering value to existing customers. The best and reliable customer keeping strategy doesn’t only aid in securing market share but also helps in compelling parallel expansion since satisfied buyers and customers possess high procuring occurrence, in other words, huge typical procuring basket.These are some of the tested breakthrough techniques to keep or retain customers for the best online businesses.

Customer Experience

When the customer experience is impeccable and wonderful, it’s obvious grateful customers respond with a sense of gratitude. Infact, this is always the very first focus or focal point for the clever businesses keen on keeping its customers. When customers have bad prior shopping experiences, it sets a negative precedent and any emails can stay untouched for long periods of time. However, on the other hand, first enjoyable shopping experience with clear and detailed information, user-friendly interface, easy and smooth checkout inter alia increases prospects of repeat customers returning back.

Online Helpline

Included in the shopping experience, is information counters as well as live chat which bolster buyers position especially in need of information to make procuring decisions. Live chat introduces the absent human feeling in online shopping – often highly cherished by customers.


Emails are employed to accomplish many communication goals. Email strategy of customer retention through contact of previous customers again to online business store, email’s give effective results if database is clearly demarcated. Best practice is to discover what the overall standard lapse connecting purchase is and dispatch targeted emails for the surpassing group of time lapse without any new procurement.

Special and Individualized

The lack of human communication engaged in online shopping can be counteracted by special individualization or personalization techniques. At times, use customer’s names in email communications beyond or more than their customer identification. Or besides send out personalized product recommendations based on their past purchases. Being creative in the way you treat your customers to show them that you care even if you don’t see them.

Customer Loyalty Programs

Perhaps, the most effective customer keeping technique that attracts and encourages present customers to remain with the business and dissuades them from looking at other alternatives. Customer loyalty programs essentially remunerate customers with virtual points for performing actions that benefit the business like purchases, social shares and subscriptions among other things and allows them to exchange for coupon codes or products. The technique gives trust and confidence to present customers to keep coming back and makes substitute hindrances, in other words, the opportunity cost of going to business competitors.

With these five marketing techniques, there is a certain increased growth and perception in the way businesses strive to maintain, keep and even get fresh new customers.
