All Things You Have To Learn About Mobile App Costing

All Things You Have To Learn About Mobile App Costing
June 01 2016

Mobile apps are the in-thing all over the web with lots of variable costs for apps which depend on the nature of geography/ location of build, features, complexity and operating system platforms like iOS or Android. Mobile apps at mobile app development companies India have undergone significant changes in innovative technologies which have refined the mobile app-making industry. Today, mobile apps with back-end servers always cost more whereas mobile apps for single platforms cost far much less. Complex mobile apps cost a lot more. Importantly, mobile app costs vary depending on geographical origin like offshore versus high-end agencies. There are cost/budget implications for updates, marketing, developer costs etc.

Points to Remember When Pricing App Development

  1. Geography/ Location of Mobile App Build, Structure and Platforms
    Costs vary whether built by freelancers, offshore development teams or in-house development. Mobile apps require a back-end server build or application programming interface integrated as compared to standalone. Back-end servers are developed by programmers and developers and contain details of how the sites work, updates and changes. In other words, it’s all that the end user cannot see in the databases and servers. Back-end development creates dynamic sites that constantly change in content structure as it is automatically updated in real-time. Most websites prefer a dynamic interface, unlike a static interface. Examples of dynamic websites include social media giants like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, google+, LinkedIn, Tumblr, etc all have constantly shifting looks in content in real-time. Standalones are unique in the sense that they don’t need either a network connection or be part of operating system services.
  2. Mobile App Development Costs: Small vs. Big Software Firms
    Mobile apps built by the large app software industries are likely to cost high premiums.
    Mobile apps built by agencies like savvy apps cost less and come in absorbable tier amounts.
    Mobile apps built by smaller startups with few employees are likely to cost even much less.
  3. Cost of Less Complex Apps
    Mobile apps not having server components or API integration are likely complex and challenging. Therefore, it amounts to specific features set on the mobile app. As a way of getting the exact figure, it’s possible and probable to take some given numbers and subtract them by half to know the cost of mobile apps without a server or API components. For most quality mobile apps developed by professional firms, the cost is bound to be from medium–high cost.
  4. Android Apps Costlier to Develop
    Even with all the recent technological innovations, especially on the mobile app design side, Android apps are still hard to build. Android apps take 2-3 longer than iOS apps. For this reason, most approaches come from iOS to Android.

The cost of bringing apps to the market moves beyond the humble v1.0 budget. Costs are beyond initial, UX, design, development, or project management. There are minimum budgets included for ongoing updates and sometimes server costs. More expenses may include; support time costs, marketing and advertising, miscellaneous and initial stage venture which help give insight into end result for launching an app in the market.

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