How to do Brain-to-Brain Marketing?

February 20 2015

Every year, market experiences a change of face in marketing, but what’s common is the fact that most part of marketing is done Brain to Brain. It’s important to remember this as marketers. It’s necessary for a marketer to understand that marketing is not for search engines, multiple devices and digital channels; marketing is done for the human brain by the human brain. It sounds tricky but this is the traditional marketing strategy, to foresee how a human mind will think and react.

Brain-to-brain marketing

The human brain is alluring the world that “explores”. What’s different is that human brain today is excessively subjected to digital media. For a great marketer it is important to understand how and why human brain think and act the way it does.

Think about it for a second. Creating compelling content is of no use if you don’t perceive why your content would be compelling to audience? Knowing what type of content your targeted audience would like, and why would they like it; answering these questions takes you to the right audience. Taking your content from good to amazing, it is essential to understand how human brain operates; which actually open the doors to the field of psychology. Understanding these principles and applying them into your marketing strategy converts visitors into leads, and leads into customers.

Unconscious mind works

Research reveals that unconscious mind of human display that people in some situation act unknowingly; people eat fast when they hear energetic music and walk slower when a store have floor tiles. Ads during movie are less effective because people are busy chewing popcorn.

What human brain is attracted to?

Studies say that visual presentation of a product is the first influencing factor for people to act. Within the early minute, human’s subconscious mind start being judgemental and mostly it is influenced by a colour like red often encourages visitors to make absolute purchasing choices. However, to the red-button, consumers act quickly, suggesting more abrupt decision-making behaviour.

Feeling and experience play important role

Research tells that consumers’ purchasing depends more on their personal feelings and experiences than on static information. Scientists prove that emotion play an important role on someone’s purchasing decision than content. Brand’s likability and its emotional connection with its buyer lead to brand loyalty than product’s attributes and features.

What makes consumer to buy?

Consumer behaviour regarding food item purchasing is much quicker than larger purchases like a car or furniture. Thus, food-product marketing aims to be short, eye-catching and concise.

Consider a supermarket scenario: Product S provide discount of $5 while competitor Product B has price equal to Product S have after providing a discount. Most consumers will buy S; reason being human brain apprehend it as a better deal. This is what theory of relative thinking, where decision-making is influenced by presentation and context of alternatives. Human brain gets more affected by the word “DISCOUNT”.

Who we think we are?

How humans identify themselves (e.g. young, old, liberal, environmentalist and conservative); influence their acceptance and level of belief by marketing campaigns. Targeting one’s “social identity” is a key strategy for persuasive and memorable marketing. Taking simple example, a marketer of an age drug targets middle-age adults, will use a spokesperson of similar age. The targeted audience socially identifies with the spokesperson more than it would with a teenager. Marketing campaigns that poorly match the social identity can lead to negative reception by consumers.

Final Thoughts

From the colours on companies’ logo, to the graphics on landing page, to the content on blog, to the download link, to personalization, to colour and size of click button; there are unlimited permutations and combinations marketers can use to effectively influence consumers behaviour.

Not only marketer needs to be sharply aware of marketing to human brain but also needs to ensure that your marketing strategy specifies specific persona to your targeted consumers. By targeting consumer experiences and learning from consumer psychology, we can know what we want to buy even before we are aware.
