“Facebook Account Kit”,  Opens more ways to connect

“Facebook Account Kit”,  Opens more ways to connect
July 07 2017

Facebook, the reason of revolution in the social networking pattern has again brought forward a new gimmick, "Facebook Account Kit" to entice people and add to their convenience. Unveiled at the F8 conference, this kit is said to be a modern alternative to traditional login mechanisms. This new feature basically helps people easily register or log in to various apps by simply using their phone number or email address instead of setting up a username or password every time.

99.86% of told human population on the web is reported to hate keeping and remembering the password and taking advantage of this scenario, Facebook introduced this kit. This kit has simplified the login processes on iOS, Android, website and web apps. Here, if a user chooses to sign up for their phone number, they receive a text message with a verification code which has to be entered on the app to start with it and if the user chooses to register with an email account then the one-time link is sent to the provided email address to confirm and start the app. Further, this Kit supports SMS login for over 230 countries and app developers can use it to send more than 100K confirmation texts to people who register for an app at no cost.

Thus, this new feature is beneficial for both users and developers. Users are spared from remembering different passwords of different applications and developers get a wider user base for their apps. Since this new feature combines both account login and account registration, it prevents the developers from creating a separate flow to register new users or to check if their account already exists. This kit also makes it easier for app developers to understand their users and their login preferences. For example, if the analytics reveal that most of the users log into the app through phone numbers then the option of signing up by mail can be removed.

It is said your first impression is the most lasting and this account kit takes care of it very well. All its SDKs ( Android, iOS and web) offer customisation of login screens. The customisation option is built right into SDK itself which allows you to set custom background images or use such colour schemes which absolutely match your idea, brand or personality. Your app’s screen is the first thing users see and if the theme of the login screen matches with what your app looks like then the onboarding journey becomes seamless and the graph of conversion rises.

With creative offerings, Facebook Account Kit has been proven promising for many current apps. For example, Saavn, an Indian streaming music service app has witnessed a growth of 33% during the first two months of implementing this kit. No doubt, this kit has opened more easy ways to connect. But still don’t you think that with this kit people are letting go of security for convenience, in today’s environment of privacy and security, this solution is a little vulnerable and is less secure than a user-id and password mechanism?

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