HTML5 development tool

December 17 2012

There is good news in development industry, as the HTML5 will now be available with an Eclipse plug-in, data connectors and a desktop application packager. The Vendor Sencha recently expanded the HTML5 package with improved development tools.

The new environment will enable the developers to create HTML5-based applications which will be capable of running on desktops as well as mobile devices. The company officials stats now developers can create a single app using any Web technology using a single code, which can be then made compatible to run on various devices including Android, Apple iPhone and Windows platforms.

The new suite will be featured with Sencha Architecture visual development tool. All other features of existing Ext JS JavaScript framework and Sencha Touch mobile web application are still there. To improve the error correction and team collaboration, the company has enabled this suite with improved Sencha Eclipse Plug-in. the vendors are pretty assured about the success of this suite as it’s compatible with a number of platforms and enterprises. The connectors will also be able to incorporate quite many service-enabled applications.

The suite will be based upon the Google’s Chromium open source desktop browser technology and will be capable of running full desktop applications. Though, the previous version of this suite was also capable of running quite many desktop applications, but the most enchanting update made is in form of compatibility with mobile device, iOS and Android. Thus, the mobile packager is made a crucial part of Sencha Complete Team.

The new suite of HTML5 is sure to make the vendor a market leader in mobile application development. The suite is capable of making both consumer apps like newspapers using rich layouts and business app using the improved MVC. With this, the task of application development which used to take weeks in accomplishing can now be completed in days. The data sources can be connected while building JavaScript applications using AMF (Action Message Format) Data Connectors.

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