Lessons for Marketers in B2B Tier

July 28 2015

Its Christmas time for the internet marketers as the Mary Meeker annual internet report is out about the internet trends in 2015. The report is filled with all the amazing data and statistics about the adoption of the new digital technologies and their impact. And who possibly can love the data and statistics more than the internet marketer in today's time.

Lessons for Marketers in B2B Tier

Below we present some of the implications of Meeker’s research in context to B2B marketing world.

Ignoring mobile is no longer an option for B2B marketers

Mobile users graph is rising like crazy and no of mobile users have grown from million to billions in the short time of two decades. People are spending more time on mobile for accessing the information and media than ever and to reach to the customer B2B marketers needs to adapt to this new trend. Mobiles are the constant companions and never leave the sight of the users.

Think Beyond

It’s a big world and so are the opportunities for the B2B marketers but it requires them focus on the digital media more than any other method to reach out the customers. China has the largest users of the internet and India has the largest users in internet addiction and the country recently added millions of users who use the internet on regular basis. The mobile web has become the second nature of the people in these countries and they are using it to pay their bills, for shopping, for applying the passports and for various other activities.

Software and the B2B world

Meeker’s report clearly shows that software is no longer the tool which makes the business more efficient but rather it has become something that is transforming the ways you conduct the business. The opportunity for the software’s have transcended from making the business effective to transforming the business itself. For example, DocuSign, whose digital technology is responsible for how contracts are processed.

UGC is your BFF

UGC(User Generated Content) has taken the internet world by storm. User generated videos form the Coachella music festival has more than 40 million views just in three days and Airbnb has more than 14 million user-generated reviews in the last 12 months.


Nine percent of the United States sales are form the ecommerce sector and the sector has even become h2er with the players like Alibaba driving the potential of the sector to a whole new level. It’s high time for the marketer’s in the B2B segment to prepare themselves for the ecommerce because the customers are expecting that they can get the product from the ecommerce with ease and with speed.

Internet and it’s young

Change is the truth and the part of every aspect of life which includes the digital world as well and B2B marketers must be ready to embrace such changes. Out of 20 internet companies in terms of market capitalization only Apple remains in the list as of December 2014a and many have fallen to the likes of Google, Alibaba and Netflix.

In a sense:

Companies that don’t change with time or don’t drive the change are under constant fear of being lost in oblivion.
