Stay Above Your Competition: Content Marketing Methods that rule

Stay Above Your Competition: Content Marketing Methods that rule
February 25 2016

Bringing irrelevant content to the customer base is as useless as bringing knives and spears on modern battle field. With buyers frequently using mobiles in order to access the information related to business it is no wonder that marketer and publishers are opting for the content marketing leaving other strategies behind in the closet. Below are some of the methods which are used by the winning companies on day-to-day basis.

Influencers marketing

Influencer marketing is the like that nature force which is capable of shaking the marketing world. Before you go on to use this influencer marketing there are two things which one needs to know and that is:

  1. It is expensive

  2. It works

With that said the main challenge here is to find the right influencer. Successful influencer marketing is very powerful and it is very important to follow up with the comments and answer the queries of the customers and influencer.

App:-Mention is an app which allows brands to identify the influencers for their brand and it also offer tools such as influencer scorer which allow bands to know the amount of traction this influencer can offer and brands can connect directly with the users.

Make it move

Your digital story telling should be no less engaging and fluid than your content. A compelling user experience is what every brand needs in order to draw the customer in and more importantly to retain them. Content should move in accordance with the customer and must enhance their online journey of your brand. You can also use interactive content for testing the audience’s online preference.

App:-Apester is app which offers quizzes and interactive content allowing brands to engage customers using personalize experiences.

Creating for the customer

Creating for the customer

According to custom content council it is more likely for a consumer to buy from a particular brand if that brand offers personal content which is specific to their wants and needs. Such content has more impact on conversion and customer retention.
It is very crucial to know that content must be targeted towards customer’s need and not towards the brand’s personal need. By earning more about the customer and by breaking their pain point one can adapt the content which can target the customer and at the same time can make deeper connections with them.

Also, the content of your brand should not be a one way street and must act as a catalyst for initiating a dialogue. Brands can make their content more useful by requesting the customers to add their own insight. By asking them this they are more likely to become loyal users.

App:-Sites like uses Spot.Im’s social sidebar which make conversation easy and simple.

Use customer’s journey to drive the content of your brand

Outstanding content for any brand begins with the understanding of the customer’s journey. By doing this brands can tell a consistent story which individually addresses the action and motivation of the brand’s customers. Content stories can easily be boiled down to smart planning and well-devised content calendar.

App:-DivvyHQ is highly recommended for this as one can plan and manage the calendar for the content one dash board easily.
