What is RankBrain? Planning to optimise the website for RankBrain?

What is RankBrain? Planning to optimise the website for RankBrain?
August 10 2017

Every day millions of queries are entered into Google and every time this search engine comes up with the best answer to your query. Have you ever wondered how it manages to do so? Well, It relies on its algorithms, and the latest under the roof is RankBrain. Google reported that with the increase in the smart phones and voice searches, almost 15% of queries per day went unanswered by it. Therefore, in the year 2015, an artificial intelligence system named RankBrain was introduced. It is designed to better understand the meaning behind the words a person uses or types in the search engine. But how to optimise for RankBrain? Let’s see.

Fresh content is the best content

Google and RankBrain are now searching for fresh content. The content has more natural language pertaining to different audiences, sectors or zones and with a clear purpose so that it gets easy to understand. Google is now learning to appreciate content on a human level. Content writers need not worry about specific guidelines or set algorithm standards to create a great piece of content. They now just need to focus on connecting with the audience and this can be done with absolute freedom of natural tone, language and creativity. This may also require you to keep updating your content frequently or writing about the topics which are repeatedly asked by users.

Embrace new SEO measures

With the new RankBrain in work, the use of set keywords in your content is not that important now. Obviously, you can’t ignore them but the emphasis now should be more on writing such quality content which has a natural use of these keywords. RankBrain can analyse the meaning of phrases as a whole and writers should keep this in mind while writing for sites.

Build trust

Since RankBrain has a very humanistic approach to it, how can we forget this point? Building trust is an essence of human life and now machines are learning too. Linking, including references from reputable sources, are the best way to build people’s trust and confidence in your content. They get to believe that information is authentic and the site is credible. This also helps in increasing the domain authority. Domain authority is again an important factor to have good ranks on the report card of Google. It is the amount of authority your domain has in the eyes of Google.

Better engagement with your content

Another thing which is required in optimising your site for RankBrain is to have a greater number of loyal users. Obviously, you would want that when a visitor visits your site, he stays on it and for that, your content needs to be engaging enough. You can accurately tag your pages, encourage comments or create some sort of call to action at the end of each post. All these minimise the bounce rate.

Thus, unlike the unnatural and robotic traditional SEO, RankBrain allows you to be as creative and human as possible. It’s all about natural and quality content now. When optimising for RankBrain, you must clearly know for whom you are creating content, why it matters and the content must have a purpose.
